One-Time/Monthly Support
If you would like to support our ministry with a one-time gift or on a regular basis please consider the following three options.
Our Local Church
You can give through our local church, South Knollwood Baptist Church
1813 Sw 29th St
Topeka KS, 66611
In the memo put "Schmidt Family"
1813 Sw 29th St
Topeka KS, 66611
In the memo put "Schmidt Family"
Clearing House
You can give through our clearing house, the Global Independent Baptist Missoins
PO Box 700
Sherman TX 75091
In the memo put "Schmidt Family"
PO Box 700
Sherman TX 75091
In the memo put "Schmidt Family"
You can give through paypal
(scan or use button below)
Make sure to select "For Friends or family" and not "For goods and services" to avoid fees.