
<<First Name>>, Greetings!

We have an exciting answer to prayer!


In our last letter, the container was poised to leave for the port of Brazil. One of our ongoing prayers, and the focus of our prayers, was what would happen after arriving in Brazil. The ports are not exactly known for being friendly! On top of that, you have customs! The container arrived at the port on April 19th. This is where things can get bogged down and very expensive. I was given a projected expense sheet and paid the first 50%. We were expecting, as was our broker, that it would take 10-25 days to clear customs. So here's the answer to prayer: It cleared after only seven days! Not only that but because it cleared customs so quickly, the remaining balance was reduced and ended up being LESS than what was stated by $1,000! The container should arrive at our house around May 10th. We desperately need to replace the pool covers and will prepare to do that soon.


I am happy to say that things have been coming along very well in the Training Institute. Seventy hours later and a lot of coffee, I finished it! This is a couple of months earlier than I thought. I have invited a student to join to give feedback. He is a church member here, and I have been meeting with him face-to-face each week. He was called to the ministry a couple of years ago. In a couple of months, we will invite about 20-30 other people into the program! To me, this is an inspiring time! It is always fascinating to me how God orders our steps; how He, in His providence, allows us to cross paths with others, and the timing of these events. Please pray that all these hours and effort, not just by me but other missionaries here, will bring forth more fruit for the Kingdom! 


Outside of these things, we have been doing upkeep and maintenance on the property. In addition, we spent half a week overhauling the trailer think "bus ministry," which the Brewers have been using for 25 years here! Ashlie is progressing very well in her language studies. She recently took the kids to a soccer match (while I was out of town), had a great time with a couple of the ladies in the church, and made more contacts. I hope all this news encourages you because it sure does encourage us to see your prayers and our prayers answered so clearly!

  • Soul saved at camp!
  • Online training center gaining traction!
  • Container is coming!
  • Online training center
  • Language studies
  • Newly saved to grow
  • Language studies
  • Training institute
Bro Brewer, welding, on top of a ladder- making new doors for the shop
Joshua being surrounded by kids t a soccer game asking how to say words in English!
Thank you for your continued support! Thank you again for your prayers! They are making a difference! 
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1813 Sw 29th St Topeka KS 66611

Contact Info:
Brazil: 55 69-99389-5095
Whatsapp: 785.506.3729
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