
<<First Name>>, Greetings!

As a youth pastor for nine years, I saw first-hand the effects of the breakdown of the family unit and its side effects on kids. Homes without structure or guidance complicate things and continue to complicate things as we continue to minister. As bad as I believed it to be, however, in my experience, it seems mild compared to what I see in our town of Itapuã. Some estimates say our town has around 11,000 people. Of that 11,000, an inordinate number of kids live with one parent at the most. They are shuffled around the town (and out of it sometimes to other cities) to stay with uncles, aunts, cousins, or grandparents. Depending on what's happening in their week, I have multiple addresses marked on my map for the same kid! Many of the men here are alcoholics. There is a lot of neglect. I'll echo here what Missionary Tom Brewer has said to me several times, "The only hope these kids have is Jesus."

Since we have divided into classes again, it has made a difference in the atmosphere and the fruit we see. Let me tell you a providential story. Two Sundays ago, one of the teachers for the young girls (2-6 years old) was absent. Ashlie, who teaches (7-9 years old), let the other girls join her class. As they were dismissing, it was obvious that she would need a helper in her room. So, at the last minute, one of the more mature teen girls (Luana) went with her to help. Ashlie had been teaching a series on salvation. As Luana sat in the class, she became under conviction and, after class was over, received Christ as her Savior! She had heard the gospel many times before and came under conviction as Bro. Brewer preached it regularly. But for one reason or another, she never took the next step. In His providence, the Lord chose to work again, and she responded! On top of this, the classes have provided more personal time for each of the kids and are helping us make some inroads in their lives. This Sunday, we will add one more class as God has blessed us with another member stepping out of their comfort zone to serve.

In our last letter, I mentioned that one of our sons was teaching another teen (Eliel) piano. I had them on a weekly schedule, practicing twice weekly for one hour each. After two months of this, Eliel played for the offertory in the services! Afterward, I got up and encouraged the rest of the young people to take a shot at it and develop some abilities to be a blessing in the church. More seem interested like Eliel was, so we are hopeful. Wouldn't it be amazing if, in a couple of years, the church was full of people serving and using their time and talent to edify the church and worship the Lord? 

I would ask you to continue to pray for more laborers here. We need more in these fields of harvest. There is so much opportunity for those who seek it!
  • Luana received Christ!
  • A young person is starting to serve in the church!
  • Another member has stepped up to serve.
  • New Class Division
  • More young people serving
  • Language studies
  • Language studies
  • Training institute
  • Different outreaches for the kids in the city
Luana, the young teen that received Christ.
Eliel using what he has learned in the church services.
Thank you for your continued support! Thank you again for your prayers! They are making a difference! 
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