
<<First Name>>, Greetings!

As we wait for the Lord to open up a way back to Brazil, we have been keeping our hands to the plow through various projects and outreaches that have taken place these past two months.


First, we were involved in another tennis camp. I had invited Janes (the Brazilian man I have been asking prayer for) and his boys. They did not come the first week or the first four days of the second week, but finally, on the last day, he brought them. We have been seeking this family for nearly six months, praying for them, sharing the gospel, and building a relationship. So you can imagine my excitement to me when they came! It is one more step in the right direction.


Second, we went to Miami for a soul-winning outreach hosted by Pastor Luis Briceno, a church planter. He is reaching the Spanish population there and has also made connections with Brazilians. He invited us down to be a part of the multi-day event and to meet a Brazilian pastor, Jamil. It was great to have breakfast with him and talk about Brazil and our ministry there!


Third, here at Southside Baptist church, I have been helping with several projects. I finished a sound system install in their Family Life Center and built a Digital missions display. Here is the link - "Digital Missions Display" - if anyone is interested in creating one of these. You can convert a standard TV into a touch screen, and it turns out super nice. It is not expensive and easy with upkeep. 


Fourth, I had the opportunity to preach at a couple of supporting churches in the area. I will re-do the sound system in one of those churches and create tutorials/ training videos for their volunteers over the next month.


Fifth, I enrolled in FirstBible School of Translation. It is a college in Milford, Ohio, focusing on linguistics and translation (the same place where "Bearing Precious Seed" is located). It will be invaluable for the work in Brazil as it will allow us, as the Lord leads and directs, to be involved either directly or indirectly in getting scriptures into the hands of people groups with NO scripture whatsoever! One of my assignments is to create (10) five-minute videos, each highlighting a different people group and what can be done to reach them with the gospel. It is stirring to see some of these groups close to where we live in Brazil.


Sixth, I have finally finished the multilingual website covering 16 different languages. It has the gospel in each language, a video, and a contact form. Wings Bearing Precious Seed Ministries will use this as they go to Olympic events, World Cup events, etc. They will be able to reach back out through the website and connect people with other missionaries in the regions in which they live.


Lastly, I would ask you to pray for an opportunity I had on Saturday. We found a Brazilian market here in Tampa. While there, I was talking with a man named Moíses. He has only been in the US for four months. I offered to help him with English if he would help me with Portuguese. My intent, of course, is the gospel. So I would ask you to pray for wisdom and opportunity.

Luis, me, and the Brazilian pastor, Jamil, that I met in Miami.
My family at the tiny Brazilian market/store.

  • Continued stability for the family
  • Meetings with Brazilians
  • Opportunity for more specialized training in language.
  • I got my CDL Learner's Permit.

  • Brazil’s mandate to change so we can go back.
  • Linguistics school
  • Contacts at Brazilian Market

  • Aquire CDL
  • Linguistics school
  • Making more connections with Brazilians around Tampa

Thank you for your continued support! Thank you again for your prayers! They are making a difference! 
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